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Fitness Together Personal Trainer


Most companies and organizations understand and even place a high value on improved fitness for their team of dedicated employees. Many go as far as establishing a wellness program to supplement, reinforce, or even reduce company healthcare expenses. While this is an excellent opportunity for a strong return on investment in the benefits space, unfortunately many wellness programs fail or underachieve their desired results, with many delivering little to no tangible impact.


At Fitness Together we know firsthand the value of improved health and have actively worked with many Milwaukee area companies to ensure corporate fitness success. We partner with the benefit administrators to learn about the participants, establish the overall need for the company for the desired time period, and then provide a corporate package that allows for multiple employees to work directly with our team across both studios, or even virtually, on their own customized personal training programs.


With the accountability and guidance of our team of certified experts, we achieve greater results and fitness outcomes than just using incentivized programs. If needed, we can even assist in rewards programs with factual reporting on visits and tangible wellness metrics through our data-centric results tracking technology.


The truth is that working out on your own can be extremely hard. Our programs, with ongoing personal goals, regularly updated customized fitness plans, and dedicated personal training in a private space can get results where other fitness solutions have simply failed. A positive ROI on a wellness program might be as close as getting aligned with the right fitness provider.


Given the incredible employee retention and satisfaction rates when the program does work, it is likely that Fitness Together is one of the best investments you can make for the health of your employees and your company!

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